List of Useful OpenWrt Packages

OpenWrt is a Linux distribution for embedded devices, such as routers. It allows you to customize and extend the functionality of your router. There are many different packages available for OpenWrt, each with its own purpose.

In this article, I will list some of the most useful OpenWrt packages and provide a brief tutorial on how to install them.


List of Useful OpenWrt Packages

Adblock: This package blocks ads on your network. 

WireGuard: This package provides a secure VPN.  

OpenVPN: This package also provides a secure VPN. 

Squid: This package is a web proxy that can be used to improve performance and security.  

uBlock Origin: This package is an ad blocker that can be used to block ads on your router. 

Pi-hole: This package is a network-wide ad blocker that can be installed on a Raspberry Pi.  

Dnsmasq: This package is a DHCP server that can be used to assign IP addresses to devices on your network. 

Tun/Tap: This package allows you to create virtual network interfaces.  

Samba: This package allows you to share files and printers over the network. 


How to Install OpenWrt Packages

To install an OpenWrt package, you need to use the opkg command. The syntax for the opkg command is as follows:

opkg install <package-name>

For example, to install the Adblock package, you would use the following command:

opkg install adblock


This article listed some of the most useful OpenWrt packages and provided a brief tutorial on how to install them. I hope this article was helpful.

Questions and Answers

  • Q: How do I know which packages are available for my router?

A: You can find a list of packages available for your router on the OpenWrt website.

  • Q: How do I update my OpenWrt packages?

A: You can update your OpenWrt packages by using the opkg update command.

  • Q: Where can I get help if I have problems installing or configuring OpenWrt packages?

A: You can get help on the OpenWrt website and in online forums.


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